24 May 2013

Yeap Im Back !!

After 2 years , I appear again ... I guess I can find no place better than a blog to express my feelings... I needed someone to hear me...or to really understand whether Im the one who is having problem communicating with others ....

Recently, arguments occured .....

I was told that I never use my brain to talk ...
I was told that I dared not do a thing because Im always scared of this and that ...
I was told that my communication method is full of mistakes / problematic ....
I was told that I never take a persons' word into heart and forgot after that ....

Some turned their back on me , which I duno why ... Maybe this person is still angry at me for arguing with him/her ? Or he/she dunno how to talk to me back ? I tried to start some conversation but ended being given a "one word" reply in a cold manner.

Am I really that poor in all these aspects ? I kept on thinking thinking and thinking ...

Sometimes, Im worried that if I kept thinking all these stuff, in the end,-

1. I lose confidence in all aspects of myself.
2. I turned to be someone pessimistic
3. I turned to be a more sensitive person in emotion wise
4. which in the end leads to depression..

I really hope I won't be diagnosed with depression.

Some people thinks that they are very good in communicating ... they expressed their point well. Well, I salute their confidence ... but I don't think they expressed their point well enough.  I hope this group of people will be able to realise that no matter how good a person is in one aspect, he/she is still lacking in a bit of it...

Best of luck to myself ! Cheers ...

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